Activity Award at annual conference of the DGG and the BHGL, Germany, February 28-March 1 2024
Manh Hung Doan won the poster competition at the annual conference of the Deutsche Gartenbauwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e. V. (DGG) and the Bundesverband der Hochschulabsolventen / Ingenieure Gartenbau und Landschaftsarchitektur e. V. (BHGL), which took place from 28.02. to 01.03.2024 in Braunschweig.
On his poster, he presented the results of his Master's thesis, which he wrote at the Institute of Horticultural Production Systems under the supervision of Prof. Traud Winkelmann and Philipp Rüter and in cooperation with Prof. Thomas Debener, Institute of Plant Genetics. He used the soil bacterium Rhizobium rhizogenes, which introduces part of its genetic material into plant cells, to create new apple types. In the next step, these are to be tested for their drought stress tolerance and resistance to soil diseases as part of the EU RootsPlus project.